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Leveraging ancient wisdom and modern science, RAIN enables thoughtful rituals that enhance the everyday. Our dominant culture is fast-paced and often unforgiving, causing us to live in automatic without even realising it. Over time this leads to chronic inflammation and stress as we live counter to how we are designed as people.

RAIN crafts products that support you in restoring balance in your mind and body so that you can truly experience how good it can feel to be human.


Our bodies and minds flourish within the 'window of tolerance'—a balanced state where the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems are in harmony.

In fight or flight mode, activated by the sympathetic nervous system, we feel threatened and unsafe. The parasympathetic nervous system triggers freeze mode, leaving us feeling avoidant and overwhelmed.

While these responses are crucial for survival, modern life often activates them unnecessarily. By mastering the art of staying in the optimal middle ground, you can unlock enhanced creativity, intelligence, and overall well-being, leading to more productive and enjoyable days.

What if self-actualisation is the journey, not the destination?

At RAIN, we’re calling for a new approach to wellness, that is in fact not new at all. It’s ancient, but unfortunately no longer part of our culture.

We do not have a hierarchy of needs but a system of relationships between our inner and outer needs.

We are inherently self-actualised but must prove it every day in how we relate to our communities and to our environments. Each of us is responsible for how we show up in the world and must ensure our own wellbeing in order to do so.



Welcome to Juliet x RAIN

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